What's October's Language of the Month?

November 10, 2023

Did you take part in our Language of the Month in September, when we posted lots of fun, interesting facts about Russian on Facebook, Twitter and Google+? Find out what we talked about and read on to discover October’s language!

Russian-language culture

There were lots of interesting discussions about Russian life. We asked about the shapka-ushanka hat and Alsu Zaynutdinova told us that she only used to see it when she was a child, so it’s not very popular nowadays.

Have you heard of the brilliant Russian cartoon, ‘Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena’? Reader Santos Andrade Evandro said that he would like it to be transmitted on TV in Brazil. Maybe it will happen, Santos!

Ask a native speaker

Did you have a question about Russian? Language expert Maria was available on Facebook for one hour to help fans with their queries. Here are a few of the highlights.

  • Oula Akiki asked: “What is the best way to start learning Russian? What should we learn first?”
  • Maria told Michael Webb that reading, talking and writing every day are very important.
  • Lindsey Sampson wants to improve her listening skills. Maria recommended a useful book with short recorded dialogues.

How did Maria answer and what tips did she provide? Discover what she said on our special Facebook post!

Words and proverbs

Do you know what ‘Na vkus i cvet – tovarisha net‘ means? Vadim Davydov told us it’s a proverb that says everyone has different tastes and no two people are the same. Anush Nakhshikyan and Tanya Ivanchenko agreed – thanks everyone!

In our post on Facebook, did you spot the mistake the speaker makes? Mikael Marcondes de Oliveira told us about another common error when he explained that the English word ‘magazine’ sounds very similar to the Russian word for ‘shop’, which is ‘магазин’.

We also posted an interesting fact about ‘спасибо’, the Russian word for ‘thank you’. Fan Arsen Hayrapetya told us that, in the Armenian language, ‘thank you’ is very hard to pronounce and literally means ‘to wish that a person receives grace’.

Language of the Month in October

The next tongue that we will delve into is an official language in many countries, including the UK, USA and Australia. It’s possibly the most widely spoken language in the world, if you combine native and non-native speakers.

Have you guessed? That’s right, it’s English! This language has several variations, so we’ll explore some of the differences and talk about a few tricky grammar rules. Learn about English with busuu on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. See you soon!

Learn a language