busuu.com now has 3,000,000 users!

November 10, 2023

Time to celebrate, the busuu.com online community now has more than 3,000,000 users from all over the world!

We have grown rapidly, with over 1,000,000 new users in just 4 months. That is equal to 10,000 new users every day, who all want to teach and learn languages on busuu.com!

In fact, our online language community is now almost as large as the population of Madrid (where our head office is based). Imagine the whole city writing and correcting exercises on busuu.com!

Since we started in May 2008, you and the rest of our online community have:

  • earned more than 770 million busuu-berries
  • written or recorded more than 8 million exercises
  • made more than 18 million corrections
  • completed more than 50 million learning unit parts

Assuming that each learning unit part takes around 10 minutes to do, we have already provided over 950 years of language learning. In other words, we covered almost a millennium of language training in just 3 years!

Once again, thank you for your participation and support. We are thrilled to have such a strong community and look forward to continue growing with you.

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